When I was a little kid sitting around the dinner table, my parents used to make my brothers and I take turns blessing the meal.My younger brothers used to thank God for the smallest, seemingly insignificant things.I remember thinking how silly it was, but it was what mattered in their little boy worlds at the time and so they thanked God for what brought them joy.
Now looking back as an adult, I see the irony of the situation. Nothing that matters to us is insignificant to God and as much as some children expect to "grow up" and figure it all out, there are some parts of faith children understand better than grown-ups. Perhaps that's why Jesus loved little children so much; they weren't too busy to love him. They didn't complicate religion, they just loved Him and believed without any conditions. How is it that children can find so much joy and love without caveats?
It reminds me to sit at the feet of God and share all the tiny details of my life, which matter to the creator of the universe.
Luke 12:6
"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God."