01 October, 2008

And We're Off!

To say I am elated about this trip would be the understatement of the century. This adventure started as a dream Nick and I shared when we were dating, back then it was only an idea. All these years later, it's an actuality and we are finally leaving today.

The question I am often asked is a good one (and a tough one as every stop on the itinerary thrills me to pieces), "Where are you most excited to visit?"

Other than seeing his family in England, Nick's answer is India. Mine is actually Kenya. In reading about Africa, hearing stories about it through my close friends who have been there on mission trips and through researching the country, I have developed a heart for its diverse wildlife, pristine natural beauty and people who are so full of joy, despite the poverty they live in.

The older I get, the more I feel humbled and realize how little I actually know. I am also learning about what really matters. I think the Kenyan people have something to teach me, perhaps more than I can give back to them by helping in the short time we're there.

When you strip away fancy cars, large houses with backyard swimming pools, gaming consoles, the internet, shopping malls and the creature comforts of the western world- you are left with simplistic facets to find happiness in: family, friendships, community, cultural celebration through song and dancing... the things we often overlook when the big game is on tv or we have too much on the to-do list (yes, I’m guilty too). Now I understand it's easy to have the focus divert from the clothes you wear or what to buy next when you don’t have the means to buy anything frivolous and have to focus on survival instead. I'm not suggesting all Americans throw out their tvs and give away all their money. I just personally feel in Southern California, it is easy to become distracted by the superficial, to join into the rat race, to want more, more, more...because we live in tremendous comfort and convenience compared to the rest of the world.

I am looking forward to not wearing make-up to events out, wearing what is clean and comfortable versus what would look stylish (sorry Nick, I'll try to match) and stepping outside my comfort zone to taste foreign delicacies, learn new languages and local customs... and also to grow in appreciation for how good we have it back home in California.

I find that traveling clears my head, gives me perspective and helps me look at the bigger picture. It's easier for me to hear God away from all the distraction of the minute, trivial, even stressful details which so easily fill a calendar.

My aim is for us to learn something from each place we go, each culture we encounter and to return as individuals who have grown spiritually, psychologically and perhaps physically from the look of our heavy backpacks. I want us to enjoy the simple pleasures of trying something new, exploring and discovering the fascinating world around us and also enjoying each other's company.

If you have it on your heart to pray for us, please pray for spiritual growth, God's guidance in planning our future and also physical safety as we travel. We will give you updates as the trip progresses.

God bless!