18 January, 2009

Lessons Learned:

I have learned a great many lessons on this trip. I have been humbled, moved to tears, laughed and smiled more than I thought possible and had the chance to really look at my life, our home in California and the world around me with an incredibly different perspective. Here are a few thoughts I wanted to share with you...

- Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Furthermore, every single person on this planet has something attractive, lovable and special about them. There are no exceptions and God loves every single one of His beloved creations.

- God is one clever guy. He made no mistakes in His unspeakably magnificent creations- I speak of the majestic oceans, lakes, rivers, hills and vast wildlife in particular. The diversity and beauty of nature all over the world is awe-inspiring.

- Try new things, even something, dare I say, you're awful at! And no excuses, you're not too old and it's never too late! Right before the trip I finally learned how to drive a manual. Yes, it's ridiculous I waited so long- but I got past the frustration and learned- it was so liberating and satisfying. We shouldn't lose our sense of adventure with age, if nothing else, we have more maturity, appreciation and insight when we're older to find new things we might enjoy. Furthermore, get involved in things you're passionate about- it's the icing on the cake- especially after finishing the mundane, but necessary chores of adulthood.

-Be open to opinions and perspective different from your own. You might learn something! Listening to other people's opinions has often not changed my own, but instead validated that I still agree with my original thought. The difference is that being open-minded enables me to better understand where other people come from and allows me to respect their opinions, even if I don't agree with them.

-Learn other languages! How helpful and less embarrassing it would have been to be multi-lingual on this trip. I speak Spanglish and I've finally run out of excuses- if anyone wants to practice Spanish with me- I'd be grateful! Our European neighbors put us to shame in that category. Even new-generation immigrants in America seem to be losing that cultural tradition of being bilingual and it really is a pity.

-Experience other cultures. You'll be horrified, offended, humbled and/or enlightened. This is vital to understanding the world around us instead of being culturally isolated or ignorant. Taking that idea a step further, I have come to realize that manners, beauty, expectations, etc. are all in the eye of the beholder and no two people think alike because we are shaped by culture, our upbringing and experience. Your way is not always the only or right way, at least not in other people's opinion. That has been a rude awakening for me on this trip, but it has allowed me to put myself in other people's shoes and to consider perspectives different from my own. You can find a lot more sympathy, empathy and general compassion for others that way and you can better understand their motives, what makes them tick and where they're coming from too.

- Respect nature. My stomach churns thinking of all the beautiful places I've been to where I've seen reefs dying, endured the searing heat under the hole in the ozone layer above Australasia or heard about animals going on the endangered species list due to global warming and human carelessness.

- Give back! Find a cause you believe in (or a few) and use your God-given talents or resources to contribute to something greater than yourself.

- Invest in quality people. Surround yourself with people who really care about what's best for you, are positive and will make an effort to be in your life for the right reasons. Time in life is precious and limited, so spend it wisely. Then really go the extra mile for those in your inner circle- root for them, find joy in their triumphs and offer a listening ear. I think happiness is doubled when you have someone to share it with.

-Do your best and then let go of things beyond your control. Stress is counter-productive, a waste of time and pointless.

- Look for the best in people and in life. Count your blessings- life is so much more pleasant this way. I always liked the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." A dose of sugar really goes a long way, especially when it's sincere.